Genuinely Good People. Superlovers.
(sure, we all have our moments, but........!)
The world is filled with infinitely gorgeous stories. The world is filled with heroes, responding to their unique calls...
All throughout the ages, there have been those rarefied beings that operate from a center of kindness, generosity and an intrinsic compassion and care for life no matter their circumstances. No matter their religious or spiritual affiliation, no matter their trials and tribulations, no matter their abundance or affluence, no matter their failings and affliction- there are some people who just seem to operate from an inner code of honor.
These are the people who do the best they can and give it their all even when they face the harshest tests of turmoil.
These are the every day Joe's that give up their seat on the bus for the tired commuter and help little old ladies cross streets. These are the people who return lost wallets found, run errands for their neighbors who are down, ... those who pray for world peace and hold the space, the torch of truth in their left hand, and in their right, a solemn vow,... a guardian of the worlds positive pro-nouns.
Are you a SUPERLOVER? Lets celebrate us SUPERLOVERS!
-Aura Painting by Eloryia Ra