HOLAQ (Superlove Spaceship Sanctuary) has been top secret. It's about to launch. And, it's under construction, indefinitely... just like US.
Let's just say HOLAQ is a traveling stage on wheels. It's a platform. IT'S ALSO A PULPIT. It's a tabernacle, a sanctuary- ripened and prepared for the WORD, as sound. It's a fantasy of SPECTACLE- the looking glass- in and out of the cosmos, evolving.
The preacher, preaching- MUSIC AS MEDICINE.
There's also lasers and star-gazers... and costumes and marionettes and mimes and puppets and muppets... and anything else that strikes the humors to oil the spirit.
HOLAQ- is Jayma Superloves' mid-life Magnum-Opus, Art-Installation and rocket-ship to reach her fullest potentials--- to SERVE, as the interpreter and facilitate a conversation......
--- Superlove Spaceship Sanctuary, HOLAQ, is serving as EXPERIMENT AND DEMONSTRATION: for a Doctorate of Divinity Dissertation. The assertions and lectures will be given LIVE-time, in the language of MUSIC.
To honor the RESONANCE of the real-life-rising... Superlove Sessions will be delivered, comingled... will be communicated strait from the nectar of the universe as the divine inspiritus downloads. If the environment calls for a gentle Apollonian embrace- the souls presents shall receive. If the environment desires a rough little tumble- we will roll in the extracts of the Dionysian.
There will be lasers. There will be AWE.
There will be AFFINITY, ALL Ways.
Call to Action: We DO need investors for this project. This stuff isn't cheap.
The mind blowing EXTRAS of this project may never be born. If anyone has access to a probing electromagnetic oscilloscope, we still need one and can't afford one. If you'd like to see some freaky amazing science come alive, GIVE. The science demonstrated a live fractal analysis of a Beings' energy state, in a 3-D projected laser show. Um, yeah... we did this in a laboratory- but taking it to the streets with a musicians budget is rough.